We have experienced together the unbelievable frustration and existential pain created from disinformation designed to harm us. The harm is amplified by the collusion of legacy media gaslighting and big tech platforms censoring. As a veteran of 300+ political campaigns and tech startups, I understand the origin, media manipulation, and weaponized digital technology intimately.
I feel compelled to share GreyRock Civil with you because the scale of the information war against us is unprecedented and the damage is real.
We know Russian collusion is fiction, Hunter’s laptop is real and election fraud impacted 2018, 2020 and 2022 in different ways. As Americans, we tolerate much, but aiming CRT, TikTok’s AI, gender confusion and bogus covid restrictions to hurt our children? We’re done. I cannot sit by any longer and post shadow-banned complaints.
I founded The GreyRock Strategy to share the skills, tools and research necessary to mount an ethical, uniquely American counter to the outright abusive and violent approach from the radical Left.
It sparked a very personal epiphany.
It’s personal because it involves my first love, politics and my second love, technology. (I’m sounding geeky- my first actual love was a Sicilian Jersey girl.) It includes a full dose of mental health awareness. Mental health you say? For politics? The aha! moment is here:
The grey rock method was first proposed for a very specific group of people- those suffering from the effects of narcissistic abuse, who are unable to “no contact” the loved one diagnosed with a narcissistic personality disorder. The DSM-5 lists 10 types but reference “Cluster B” disorders for background.
For those who know what I am referring to, I’m sorry you have had to go through it. For those who do not, focusing on narcissistic abuse for a moment will help clarify our collective political problem. Bear with me, this is critical.
Hello. My Name Is James?
A friend invited me to a narcissistic abuse survivor’s group. Their ex was a troubled person. I wanted to support them and attended. I’ve never thought of myself as a “victim” of anything but the diversity of people in the group- including Type A’s stood out. When they started sharing, I was stunned!
Who does this sound like? “Someone is thoroughly convinced that they’re always the victim and blames you for everything — while maintaining that they’re smarter than everyone else…” Answer: A narcissist or every leftist I have ever met. Listening to the stories, all I could think is, half our country is going through a form of this abuse.
Critical Theory Thinks You Are the Worst!
The attacks are constant. They are superior and your victim. You must be the abuser because you are a Nazi, racist, misogynist, homophobe, transphobe, white-privileged insurrectionist. No matter what you say or do, you are the worst. Joe Biden told a Black man he wasn’t Black unless he agreed. This isn’t just politics anymore, it’s abuse and it is a tactic of the irregular warfare being waged against us and it’s a page right out of critical theory.
How do you respond? GreyRock.
If you caught the one phrase above, the recommendation is to have NO contact with the afflicted. But in some cases, you must. And similarly, we must engage in our democracy or our republic will be destroyed.
In the psychological world, the people who abuse can be a danger to themselves and others. Sadly, a majority never get the psychiatric help they need. It can be hard for the average person to understand the depth of the assault against them, and often try to rationalize it and ignore the damage and injury to them.
One man in the group stated, “I thought, I’m a grown man. I run a business. I can deal with this. And I did, until the reality of the psychic injury to me set in. And all I could think was, my God, this is happening to my children as well.”
The people who suffer these disorders do not suffer alone, their illness requires other people. Much the same as leftist strategy (See Saul Alinsky) requires your energy. If you don’t give it to them, it doesn’t work. But they are trained how to take it from you. They are the most masterful liars you will ever meet. In fact, their narratives are so powerful, they can replace memories of actual events, with “memories” that never happened.
What is it like to be with someone who gaslights you all day, every day? Do you watch legacy news? Now I am not accusing everyone on the left of being mentally ill, nor am I am in anyway belittling anyone’s illness or pain. In fact, just writing that last sentence shows that it happened to me too. I am pre-apologizing for something I never did or intend to do because I am conditioned to think I will be attacked for how I feel.
So each time you feel less. I notice many people on social media apologizing for 5 minutes before they say what they believe. That’s wrong.
There is so much to write about GreyRock. The parallels, I hope you can see are striking. To summarize, it’s almost self-explanatory- grey and rock.
You have only the contact necessary. (critical for your mental health)
When you communicate, simply state facts.
Do it blandly, with little or no emotion. (takes practice)
Then, do not respond. (the ultimate power, but hard)
That is a taste of the strategy and summary of its origin. Every other week, GreyRock will analyze an issue and develop evidence-based, content you can use on all platforms. Just leave the facts and disengage. Try it and see how hard it is at first. The main personal benefit takes some time but you begin undoing the damage the left is doing right now to all of us.
You will feel better taking control of information, knowing the real origin and background of issues from a variety of primary sources, and seeing the political impact of our knowledge and collaboration. Please help spread the word.
The NWO order is based on subjective moralism contained in the narcissist's operating system. They are running governments, banks, corporations, and the media. I think it is fair to say the narratives are driven by narcissistic tendencies and that can only lead us deeper into the abyss.